Lisa Marie Presley talks about her opioid addiction

Like millions of Americans out there, Lisa Marie Presley has battled an addiction to opioids. Elvis Presley’s daughter is going public with her addiction troubles in the forward to a new book, “The United States of Opioids: A Prescription for Liberating a Nation in Pain" by Harry Nelson.

“You may read this and wonder how, after losing people close to me, I also fell prey to opioids,” she shares, noting she was first prescribed opioids after the birth of her twins in 2008. She adds, “It only took a short-term prescription of opioids in the hospital for me to feel the need to keep taking them." 

She goes on to say that it’s been “a difficult path to overcome this dependence, and to put my life back together,” adding that she’s “grateful to be alive today.”

As for sharing her story, Lisa Marie says she was first “ambivalent” to talk about her addiction, because it was such a “personal topic,” but in the end, did it “to help other people.”

Source: Yahoo

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