David Crosby Is Back With More Advice

David Crosby's latest Ask Croz advice column is now up on Rolling Stone magazine's website, and this time he responds to a 64-year-old man who can no longer “get it up”.

Crosby tells the sexually frustrated male that “It happens to all of us... And it’s grim. It’s one of those milestones you don’t want to get to and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it. The only thing you can do about it is learn to accept it gracefully. It’s not the end of the world. It’s just the end of sex, which used to be pretty much fun. You’ll be OK, man. It leaves a big hole when it goes away. You miss it a lot, but there’s lots more to do.”

Then there's the guy who’s thinking about asking his fiancé to sign a prenuptial agreement.

Crosby, who's been married to wife Jan since 1987, says, “I think a prenup is saying ‘I don’t trust you'... I didn’t do it. I don’t have one with my wife and I wouldn’t do one if I was going to get married now. If you have to have a prenup, you’re marrying the wrong person. If you’re with the right person, you trust them…[A prenup] is a terrible way to start a relationship.”

And later when he was asked by a serial dater how to know if he’s found true love, Croz says, “I once asked my mom, ‘What’s the deal with love and marriage? You find someone that loves you, and then you’re happy?’ She said, ‘Actually, if you want to be really happy, find someone that you can make happy.’ That’s a really brilliant piece of information and it’s what I did. I found someone I can make happy and it worked."

[Source: Classic Hits Today]

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