Ronnie Wood reveals second bout with cancer

Rolling Stones legendary guitarist Ronnie Wood tells fans that he’s received the “all clear” from doctors after a second bout with cancer.

Ronnie says, “I had lung cancer in 2017 and I had small-cell more recently that I fought in the last lockdown.”

Wood told ‘The Sun,’ that he left the ultimate outcome to a “higher power,” that he’s learned more about over the last decade of being sober.

He adds, “All I can do is stay positive in my attitude, be strong and fight it, and the rest is up to my higher power,” he explains. “I’m going through a lot of problems now, but throughout my recovery, you have to let it go. And when you hand the outcome over to your higher power, that is a magic thing.” 

Source: The Sun

[Courtesy of Dr. Dave’s Ultimate Prep]

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