Stevie Nicks recalls 9/11

Stevie Nicks posted about being in New York City on September 11th, 2001 in her latest lengthy online post on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Stevie discussed staying at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel that day, saying she went to bed at 7:30am, but before doing so, Stevie says she "sat in the window for a minute and looked dawn on a glorious day. The whole city was up. I actually thought about just not going to bed and going out to have breakfast and then out to walk the streets. Well, I’m too old to do that now, so, I laughed and went to bed.”

Stevie’s assistant woke her up just after 9am when the second plane hit the South Tower of the World Trade Center. Stevie went on to say, “We had been attacked,” she said. “It couldn’t have been an accident. Not two accidents in a row… I walked over to the window where I had been sitting (it seemed like minutes ago) and looked down. Everything was grey. There were no cars. There were no yellow cabs. There were no people. It looked like death. It looked like the end of the world.”

Stevie stayed in New York as everything was on lockdown, saying she "saw things on our TV that most people did not see because the Waldorf is where the presidents and the foreign diplomats stay. So we saw things that the U.S. did not see — but the rest of the world saw.”

Later in the week, Stevie actually took a bus to Atlantic City for a show on the 15th.She went on to say in her post, "I called my mom and Don Henley to ask, ‘Should I come home?' And they both said, ‘If the people aren’t asking for their money back, then they must want to see you.’ So, we put a big American flag up behind me and went on. It was like everyone just wanted to be with everyone that night.”

Stevie wrapped up the post with: “I am so sorry, so brokenhearted for all that we lost that day. But I would not have wanted to be anywhere else but there in New York with the people of New York. I became a New Yorker on that day. I was honored.”

[Source: Classic Hits Today]

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