The Beatles: comic book heroes

The Beatles have been the subject of many comic books and a new exhibit is shining the spotlight on their influence in comics.

The exhibit is on display at the Beatles Museum in Liverpool. It’s being curated by former Spider-Man editor Tim Quinn, who says, "The exhibition all started after I came across a comic which referenced The Beatles. Back in 1963, I was cutting these comics out and sticking them in a scrapbook as each Beatles reference came out. I then realized that The Beatles, as their fame grew, were just about everywhere in newspapers and magazines, and that somebody needed to compile this. I’ve been preparing for this exhibition for 60 years!”

Roag Best, the owner of the museum and the brother of original Beatles drummer Pete Best, says, "We know about the movies, we know about the records, we know about all these different aspects, but we felt that the Beatles in comics had been overlooked.”

He added, “After sitting with Tim and discussing the exhibition, it seemed like a no-brainer that we should do something to represent the Beatles in comics.”

[Source: Classic Hits Today]

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