Dolly Parton rocks her fans

Dolly Parton has just released two more songs from her new album, ‘Rockstar.’

Her fans get “Bygones" featuring Rob Halford from Judas Priest, with Motley Crue's Nikki Sixx and John 5.

Dolly wrote the song. She said, "It is one of my very favorites on the whole album. The song fits with so many couples and coupling my voice with Rob, one of my all-time favorites, made it even more special.”

The second song is Dolly’s cover of Heart's “Magic Man" featuring Ann Wilson and former Heart guitarist Howard Leese.

Dolly said, “I’ve always wanted a reason to sing ‘Magic Man’...and it was one of my first choices for the album. I was so happy that Ann Wilson agreed to sing it with me. Nobody can out-sing Ann, but I gave it my darnnedest, and we added a few lines that were not in the original. We wanted to have a few things that made it seem like ours. Hope I’ve made you proud. I think it’s magic!”

The song is actually titled "Magic Man" (Carl Version) in dedication to Dolly's husband of 57 years, Carl Dean.

Rockstar features 30 songs and also includes Paul McCartney, Ringo StarrSting, Peter Frampton, Mick Fleetwood, Chris StapletonPinkRichie Sambora, John Fogerty, Steven Tyler, Steve Perry, Stevie Nicks and various others. It will be out on November 17th.

[Source: Classic Hits Today]

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