Stranger Gives Boy With Autism A $15K Piano After Hearing Him play

A total stranger gifts a $15-thousand grand piano to an autistic boy after hearing a news story about the boy’s amazing musical talent. A year and a half ago, Isaiah Kofie, heard a noise coming from the basement of his Aurora, Colorado, home and went to investigate. In the basement he found his autistic son Jude playing an old keyboard they had stored down there. Despite never having had a single lesson, Jude played like he’d been practicing for years.

Isaiah bought his son a better keyboard and the now-11-year-old went on to become the lead keyboardist in their church, as well as a viral YouTube and TikTok sensation. Jude’s incredible story was shared on local news and caught the eye of local piano tuner Bill Magnusson. After learning that Jude’s parents immigrated from Ghana, have four children, and are helping to support family back in Ghana, he wanted to do something to help Jude develop his talents.

Using some money he inherited from his father, Magnusson bought a $15-thousand grand piano and gave it to Jude. He’s also committed to tuning the piano for them every month for the rest of his life and paying for professional lessons for Jude. The Kofies were rightfully blown away by the kind gesture. "Somebody to just love your son like that by making sure that his future is secured,” Isaiah says. “We are super thankful.”

Source: CBS News

[Courtesy of Dr. Dave’s Ultimate Prep]

[Photo Credit: Getty Images]

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