Guns N' Roses, once notorious for their unpredictable concert schedules, has undergone a remarkable transformation in punctuality, thanks to the leadership of frontman Axl Rose. Since Rose reunited with bandmates Slash and Duff McKagan in 2016, the group has consistently been on time for their performances, a change that bassist Duff McKagan attributes to Rose's dedication and leadership.
Speaking on the Life in the Stocks podcast, McKagan praised Rose's approach to band management. "He's a great leader in a band situation," McKagan said. "He has a lot of levity, he takes it very seriously." Rose's rigorous routine includes warming up for an hour and a half before shows and cooling down for the same amount of time afterward, ensuring that the band is ready to give their all during performances.
This newfound discipline has allowed Guns N' Roses to meet strict curfews and maximize their playing time, much to the delight of their fans. "If there's a curfew at 11, we'll hit that curfew," McKagan explained, highlighting the band's commitment to starting early if necessary to fit in their full setlist.
Reflecting on the past eight, McKagan expressed his admiration for the Rose’s ability to overcome challenges. "I've enjoyed watching his triumph over the last eight years. It's been really, really quite wonderful," he concluded.
[Source: Classic Hits Today]