Doobie Brothers release a new songAlice Cooper celebrates a big anniversaryTHURSDAY 3/13 PART 2: Happy spouse, happy house / How Popeye's is coming toTHURSDAY 3/13 PART 1: What to do if you're feeling burned out / Jodi's HollAFTER THE SHOW PODCAST: Sam's dog, Gus, is having seizures.WEDNESDAY 3/12 PART 2: Why you should never give up on your dog / 3 Things WEDNESDAY 3/12 PART 1: Keep The Wow Wednesday / The best exercise might be AFTER THE SHOW PODCAST: Protein Please!TUESDAY 3/11 PART 2: Is there a wrong way to eat an Uncrustable?? / What slTUESDAY 3/11 PART 1: Is Taylor Swift on the new Lady Gaga album?? / 3 Thing...And The R & R Fan Vote Continues. Standings From Below:AFTER THE SHOW PODCAST: Star Wars Birthday Party.