Big 95 Morning Show with Dewayne Wells

Big 95 Morning Show with Dewayne Wells

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The Office star Creed Bratton covers classic from old band The Grass Roots

Creed Bratton is in a pretty familiar area with his new album Slightly Altered. Long before people knew him as a cast member on The Office, his voice and guitar work were a huge part of the The Grass Roots.

Creed says he’s balanced music and acting: "A lot of people don't realize that this is my ninth studio album. Ever since I left The Grass Roots, I have been constantly recording with different bands. Till The Office, I didn't have financially, wasn't able to... started my company Alien Chicken to be able to put this stuff out. And I've been doing this since I was 17, professionally. I've always been a musician as a performer. And an actor, too."

Bratton left The Grass Roots just before they recorded "Temptation Eyes," which became one of their iconic of the '70s. The song became a personal favorite of Bratton, even though he didn’t play on it, and after performing it live, he chose to include it on Slightly Altered.

Creed says, "'Temptation Eyes,' I was in New York a while back playing the Highline Ballroom. And my buddy Gary Voorhis said, 'Oh, you've got to record your version of 'Temptation Eyes.' Now, I hadn't played on the original. We did that with my finger-picking guitar and the Echoes in the Canyon Band. We put Tim Hockenberry on trombone. And I just loved the way it turned out."

Grass Roots leader Rob Grill died several years ago, but Creed remains friends with the band's other vocalist Warren Entner and is eager to hear his take on Slightly Altered -- especially "Temptation Eyes."

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