Big 95 Morning Show with Dewayne Wells

Big 95 Morning Show with Dewayne Wells

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Smokey Robinson talks about frightening battle with COVID

Smokey Robinson has revealed in a new interview that he caught COVID before Christmas last year and he described his condition as “touch and go.”

Smokey told ‘The Mail,’ "I am a COVID survivor." the 81-year-old Motown legend said, "I got it severely and I was hospitalized for 11 days — and four or five of those I do not even remember. It really was touch and go and a terribly debilitating ailment."

Robinson was never on a ventilator, but he did say COVID “wiped me out.” He added, “I lost all my energy and could not walk from the bed to the bathroom without being exhausted."

Smokey’s doctors said he was “lucky.” The singer was in good shape, and he insisted he “never thought about dying.” 

Robinson said he was worried about not being able to sing again, saying that COVID “took my voice.” He’s been working to get his voice back. He said it was “one of the most frightening fights I’ve ever had.”

Smokey also said, "It sounds weird, I know, but the severity of my condition didn't hit me until it was over," he said. "I looked back and knew that I could've died... It was that severe. Then it scared me."

Source: The Mail

[Courtesy of Dr. Dave’s Ultimate Prep]

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