How do you feel about jelly beans? If you're a fan, you could be the first ever Chief Jelly Belly Bean Officer!
I love passing along new jobs...and this "kinda sorta" qualifies as a job. You’d get a year’s supply of jelly beans, some merch...oh and did I mention the money? $4500! Think about how many more jelly beans that could buy.
They’re looking for the biggest Jelly Belly fan in the US with an off-the-chart Jelly Belly IQ, creative palate, and inquisitive tastebuds. How does one go about measuring Jelly Belly IQ? That’s what I wanna know. Do you have to memorize every single flavor? They’ve got over 100! Is there taste testing required? Lots of questions, hopefully some answers are online.
CLICK HERE to apply.
All I ask: if you get the gig, send some love to the guy who tipped you off! (Jelly beans or cash - you choose.)